Following the refusal of the original submission, the developers have put forward a new proposal (above), this time with twenty less houses (630). The plans can be viewed here

Search for application no. CA/20/02826

Comments made regarding the previous application for this site have not been included with the associated documents, so you may need to re-submit them.

There is a tight deadline for submissions, according to the notice in the local paper, of January 22nd

If you have something to say, please contact your local councilors, the planning department or send us a message via the contact form

Can you spot the differences between the old and new plans?
(Old – refused – plan above, new plan below)

One thought on “Developers submit new plans for Sturry site surrounding proposed Link Road

  1. Regarding the revised planning application for link road land….this land is green space for sturry residents and is well walked particularly by dog owners…in winter months this land retains quantities of water (particularly good example at present) and I understand there is no sewer connection available which is laughable except for being a serious matter..I do hope this application can be rejected and keep a green lung for sturry residents and some cultivated land as a bonus.

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