The proposed site in full agricultural flow!

CA/17/10383 Land at Sturry and CA/18/00868 Broad Oak Farm

On Tuesday 17 November, Canterbury City Council planning committee strongly rejected the proposals outlined in the above applications.

In a long meeting, with many councillors criticising the developers plans for too little open space, sustainability and the dominance of the car, it was voted down by 10 votes to 3.

You can see a recording of the meeting here,

If you wish to contact your County, City and Parish councillors. Please see the local contacts on this page.

The Parish Council can be contacted here

What happens next? There will no doubt be an appeal by the developers, and we will keep you up to date here. Meanwhile, it is a good opportunity for local people to come together and share their vision for the future of our community.

Please use our contact page or email us at


One thought on “CCC Planning Committee reject proposals for Sturry, Broad Oak and the link road

  1. Hi my name is mr Barratt

    I live in the far corner of the proposed development in Shalloak Road bottom of the hill on the corner.i think the development is ludicrous in the respect that this is open land for the already local community.its a wildlife haven for birds foxes hedgehogs rabbits and has a beautiful crop every year.this would effect me personally as well as we have shepherds huts for holiday let’s to boost tourism to Canterbury with the views over the field and if this development goes ahead would pretty much put me out of business.the whole development is based on the cost of the link road squeezing as many houses on as possible with no regard for nature or the community.everyone I have spoke with in our village would be devastated if this is passed.
    As the councillor points out this will not be a community as it is split in to 6 sections and all slap bang around the ancient woodland.this won’t stand a chance with hundreds of people
    Damaging its habitat of wildlife that is protected
    As it stands.also my house is so close to the fly over site that I would pray they don’t try to set up a work yard new my house,two years of
    Construction diggers putting up a 5 metre high concrete run way at the back of my house.?
    I have got a few names now that I will chase up to try to get help to stop this happening.

    Kind regards

    Mr Barratt


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