Following a lengthy discussion, an overwhelming majority of those present voted in favour of setting up a Residents’ Association for Sturry and Broad Oak. It was emphasised that the RA would complement and assist the work done by the Parish Council and the City and County Council representatives. The organisation will be non-political, but will always seek to ensure the best outcome for the local community. We are facing great challenges with housing and road infrastructure. It is important that local voices are heard wherever they are needed.

We were greatly assisted by Pauline Walters from St. Stephens’ RA who outlined the many benefits of having such an organisation to bring the community together. She emphasised the need for good local street representations and enough people came forward for us to make a start on getting the word out.

The new RA will use the abbreviation SABORA, and as such we have changed the name of our Facebook group. We have now changed the name of this website to reflect the new set up. Once this is all in place the plan is to invite residents to another meeting where a committee and constitution can be put in place. It may sound long winded (!), but we wish to ensure that there is something in place to serve and include the community for many years to come.

If you wish to become actively involved or have any observations, please use the Contact form on this website.


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