(Subsequent committee meeting minutes are posted below)


FIRST AGM, 12th April 2023

Sturry Primary School, 7pm

Minutes of the Meeting

The meeting was attended by 26 members of the local community.

Following a brief welcome and outline of the evening’s events David Wadmore was elected chair of the evening.

Constitution: The meeting adopted the proposed constitution (see below) without opposition. There was some debate over the concern by Heather Stennett who thought that the requirement of five committee members to be present for any committee meeting to be too high. However, the meeting felt that this need not be changed at the present, but to review it at the 2024 AGM.

Election of officers:

The following people were elected unopposed to the roles specified.

Chair: Peta Boucher

Treasurer: Ann Davies

Secretary: David Wadmore

The meeting was then asked for volunteers to act as committee members/area representatives. The following residents volunteered.

Roshna Ahmad, Heather Stennett, Paula Pearce, Lynn Burnett and Freda Tassell

The meeting agreed that the main officers should be re-elected/elected on an annual basis.

A short debate concluded that the annual membership fee should be £5, for those households that could afford it

Guest speakers:

Ann Davies, chair of Sturry Parish Council gave a presentation on the next Local Plan and its implications for Sturry and Broad Oak. Although the time for consultation has been passed, there will be time for some further comments when the plan is published, most likely in September. It is hoped that the slide presentation will soon be available on the Sturry and Broad Oak website.

Hilary Newport, Kent director of CPRE then gave a short talk about the organisation’s work in helping to conserve our countryside. As they are now named the Campaign to Protect Rural England, the organisation has been influencing planning for the last 100 years. Dr Newport showed a slide of the complex equation used to determine housing numbers required for any area, based upon median local salaries and house prices. I think everyone present was baffled by its complexity. However, most helpfully, another slide demonstrated the six guiding criteria (tests) that CPRE use. They are; Local Democracy and Community Engagement, Biodiversity and Nature’s Recovery, Affordable Housing and Developer Contributions, Beauty and Heritage, Climate and Sustainable Development, Health and Wellbeing.

Two key phrases in the presentation were, ‘Grassroots to Government’, and ‘Parish to Parliament’. Both phrases captured the sentiment of the meeting, who through their questions to both speakers felt that their voice was not being herd on local issues.

Any other business:

There was some debate on the future of the Post Office in Sturry and it was suggested that everyone should enquire of any business contacts locally who may be able to host a Post Office.

There were questions, too, about the lack of local meeting places and Heather Taylor spoke of the past mistakes by the council in not securing the use of the Scout and Guide premises as a multi-purpose venue, but instead granting them a long exclusive use lease.

On a positive note, there was a suggestion that there be a meeting of a Sturry Forum, where local parties including businesses, schools and the PC and Residents’ Association get together to find ways of making the community stronger.

Finally there was an appeal for support for the Sturry Parish Council’s Coronation Celebrations to be held on the 7th May at Park View.

The meeting concluded at 9.15

Here is the slightly amended and approved Constitution


12th April 2023

The name of the Association shall be the Sturry and Broad Oak Residents’ Association, abbreviated to SABORA.


  1. To promote the interests and quality of life of the residents in the area covered by this Association, which is identical to the area currently served by Sturry Parish Council
  2. To promote residents’ rights.
  3. To promote good relations between all members of the community.
  4. To take up local issues with the Parish Council, Canterbury City Council and Kent County Council or other appropriate body where there is clear concern among members and brought to the attention of the committee.
  5. This Association shall seek to be represented on any appropriate body in order to further these aims.


  1. Membership shall be open to all owner occupiers and tenants in the area defined above.
  2. Members shall have an equal vote.
  3. Members must seek to actively represent the various needs of the area and must not discriminate on the grounds of age, nationality, politics, religion, sex or sexuality.
  4. A code of conduct will be drawn up in the first year of the association and be voted on at the second AGM.
  5. Members must not seek personal political platforms through the activities or achievements of the Association.

Membership fees shall be determined each year at the AGM.


  1. All money raised by or on behalf of the Association may be used only to further the aims of the Association.
  2. The Treasurer will keep the accounts and funds of the Association and report regularly to Committee meetings.
  3. Cheques and standing orders require the signatures of two committee members, the Treasurer and one other.
  4. The Treasurer shall arrange to have the accounts checked by at least one member of the Committee and an external examiner immediately before the AGM. This member will be appointed by the Committee.
  5. Expenditure above £50 will be authorised by the Committee. Unauthorised spending above this limit by a Committee member may, at the discretion of the Committee, become their personal financial liability.


  1. The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall carry on the business of the Association. They will need a proposer and a seconder.
  2. The Committee shall consist of a Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, (also responsible for Data Protection) and area representatives.
  3. Committee members shall carry out the duties given to them by general meetings and resulting from Committee decisions.
  4. No Committee meeting may take place unless at least 5 members are present.
  5. The Committee shall meet a minimum of 4 times a year.
  6. Minutes of the meetings shall be available to any member for inspection, and published on the Sabora.co.uk website.
  7. The Committee may co-opt new Committee members if vacancies occur during the year.
  8. Sub-committees may be appointed by the Committee, incorporating any member of the Association if required, and shall carry out tasks delegated to them by the Committee.
  9. The Committee shall issue a minimum of one communication to all households in the area each year.


  1. There will be an AGM at which the Committee will report on its work and present detailed financial accounts. 
  2. The Committee shall ensure that the membership is notified of the agenda, date, time and place of the AGM at least 14 days in advance of the date.
  3. Nominations to the Committee may be made by any two registered members and may be given to the Secretary up to 14 days before the AGM. Nominations may also be proposed and seconded by members at the AGM. Members may nominate themselves.
  4. At least 10 members of the Association must be present at an AGM.


  1. The Constitution can only be changed at the AGM.
  2. The members may amend the Constitution by a two-thirds vote of registered members in attendance at the Annual General Meeting.
  3. Proposed constitutional changes must be circulated to all members at least 14 days before the AGM.


The Association may only be dissolved at a meeting called for this purpose which must be advertised to members at least 14 days in advance.

  1. Dissolution of the Association shall take effect only if two thirds of those present agree.
  2. Funds and possessions of the Association will be disposed of according to the wishes of those members present.
  3. Dissolution may not be invoked if a merger occurs with any neighbouring or adjacent residents’ association. A special meeting to agree a constitution for the merged body could give effect to such a change, subject to the normal arrangements for the notification of members.




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