“Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers.” So said Nikita Kruschev.

The election is now over. Here are the results

Full result for Sturry ward:

Eleodor Berceanu (Liberal Democrats): 136

Peter Campbell (Green): 418

Nicole David (Green): 270

Ken Dekker (Independent): 173

Georgina Glover (Conservative): 623 (Previous councillor)

Louise Harvey-Quirke (Conservative): 656 (Previous councillor)

Harry McKenzie (Labour): 783 ELECTED

Keji Moses (Labour): 658 ELECTED

Helen Sole (Liberal Democrats): 132

Heather Taylor (Independent): 169

Turnout: 33%

Perhaps this would be a good moment to look at what they said (and see what happened…)

The candidates:

Green Party Candidates Peter Campbell and Nicole David

Peter Campbell & Nicole David, The Green Party Candidates


Affordable homes for local people

That means 1-2 bedroom modest homes not vast sprawling estates of huge luxury houses for second-home owners. New developments should be for the community, not to line the pockets of greedy developers. Peter says: “Luxury houses built in precious green spaces are of no help to locals trying to get on the housing ladder. They will simply result in more concrete, more traffic congestion, more air pollution, more carbon emissions, and of course, more sewage pollution!” Peter will fight to make sure any development is in the interests of local people.

Stop the Sewage Pollution Now

Recent water testing at Fordwich undertaken by Peter Campbell and Green party campaigners revealed dangerous levels of E.coli contamination in our local river and Peter and Nicole are calling for urgent action from the Environment Agency. This pollution must stop now.  Large scale ‘cowpat’ housing development disconnected from local infrastructure and services will only make the situation worse. That ls why more than 1100 local people have already signed the Green’s petition calling for all large scale housing development to HALT until sewage pollution stops. It’s part of a wider campaign to protect our countryside in and around Broad Oak, Sturry and Hersden from the constant exploitation and pollution by developers

No Eastern bypass

Work hasn’t even started on the Sturry Link Road, but the Council is proposing yet another new road linking the A28 near Sturry with the A2 in South Canterbury. Peter says “This bypass will have a massive negative impact on the Sturry area particularly Fordwich, including cutting through a conservation area, ancient woodland and sites of high archaeological importance, while not improving the lives of local residents.” Peter and Nicole are calling for investment in public transport not more roads.

Working hard for local people

Peter and Nicole will listen to the needs of local people and work hard on local issues like the closure of the Post Office at Sturry. They will be a strong independent voice for local residents because unlike any other party candidates, Green councillors are not told how to vote by their party and are therefore free to respond to residents’ needs and represent what’s best for the area, rather than what’s best for a national party.

Peter and Nicole have been inspired by their colleague, Councillor Clare Turnbull who was elected in a by-election in 2021 in Whitstable with a huge majority. Canterbury’s first Green councillor has already made a big difference in the area, and has shown by working hard in a collaborative way what a difference just one Green voice on the council can make. Your vote could make that voice stronger. Thank you

Keji Moses, Labour Party candidate

Keji Moses, Labour Party Candidate

Keji Moses is the founder and CEO of a charitable organisation to empower and educate those affected by pregnancy loss with the tools they need to make their voices heard. Keji lives in Canterbury with her husband and children and enjoys writing inspiring blogs, podcasting and spending quality time with friends and family. 

She is a former civil servant who has worked for the Metropolitan Police and Department for Work and Pensions. She is an active member of the community and sits on a number of Local Committees and Boards.

Keji has a particular focus on empowering women to overcome adversity.  She interviewed more than sixteen guests on her social media on topics such as grief, loss, self-esteem, impostor syndrome, mental and emotional well-being, and other more relevant topics. 

Keji is passionate about self-advocacy and takes a holistic approach to providing support that considers the whole person, not just their mental health needs. 

Keji also believes that empowerment should also apply to local communities and that things shouldn’t be, as part of the Labour agenda for our area, would ensure that residents and representatives of the community will be properly engaged in consultations and discussions with developers.

Keji is aware that residents of Sturry are tired of development being done to Sturry rather than done with Sturry. So as part of the Labour team, Keji would ensure that residents voices would be heard, for example on the development of infrastructure in the ward to help deliver the shops and community spaces that are needed and wanted.

Helen Sole, Liberal DemocraCandidate

Helen Sole, Liberal Democrat Candidate

I am a retired primary school teacher and have lived in the Canterbury district since I came to study at Canterbury Christchurch when I was 18.

I have been a parish councillor and a school governor. My interests are swimming, both pool and open water. I am a currently working as a volunteer for a couple of disability charities. I have represented Great Britain at para-volleyball.

On 4 May 2023 Canterbury will face a choice. It is time to elect Liberal Democrat councillors with fresh new ideas for our district. Lib Dems promise to: 

We will protect our environment by demanding that water companies stop discharging raw sewage into the rivers and sea. This will be part of a serious commitment to the environment and achieving the goals we all agreed in declaring a Climate Emergency. 

The Liberal Democrats oppose the current draft Local Plan, especially the disastrous zoning proposal. The Local Plan must meet the needs and wishes of residents, not of developers. The Liberal Democrats will join other councils in challenging the unrealistic housing target imposed by the Conservative government in Westminster. 

Conservatives have repeatedly wasted money on ill-thought-out schemes such as the Station Road West Car Park and ill-judged investments such as Whitefriars where the value has fallen by over £75 million. The Liberal Democrats believe that the Council urgently needs to move to “zero-based budgeting”: setting priorities such as housing, climate change, waste collection, transport and inward investment, then allocating spend according to need.  
Our manifesto pledges fall under the following six areas: 
1. Healthier communities: We will lobby for a new hospital in Canterbury and introduce measures to improve public health and well-being. 
2. Getting us moving: We will halt the sell-off of city-centre car parks, introduce a residents’ parking rate and introduce people-focused transport initiatives. 
3. The environment at the heart of everything we do: We bring a rigorous approach to the Climate emergency, as well as planting more trees and protecting the rural environment. 
4. The houses and homes we need: We are facing a housing crisis, but this council has built no new council homes. We will work towards building at least 250 new homes a year, ensuring that the provision of council housing is a priority. 
5. A bright future for the next generation: The Lib Dems will put an end to Conservative mismanagement of our finances, and begin the process of restoring the finances of Canterbury City council, and the district as a whole. 
6. Repair Canterbury’s Democracy: The current administration has created a democratic deficit; the Lib Dems will improve scrutiny and decision-making.

Georgina Glover, Conservative Candidate

Georgina A Glover – Conservative Party Candidate

Resident of Westbere for over 50 years,married with two grown up sons. I have been the Canterbury City Councillor for the Sturry Ward for 12 years and seeking a fourth term of office. Served as Chair of the Audit Committee for 8 years and Chair of Standards for the last 4 years. These two areas I have been able to use my skills from my employment at KCC.  A member of two working parties for Waste and Environment, supporting the Canterbury City Council’s wish to create a Jubilee Wood.

Educated in Suffolk, Cert.Ed & Degree from Christ ChurchUniversity, Qualified Accountant and now retired. Employed by Kent County Council Education for 20 years, previously at University of Kent for 13 years, Passmores Building Company and Barretts of Canterbury (where I met my husband of over 50 years)

Governor at Sturry and Hersden Schools, Hoath & Chislet C of E Primary Schools, also   governor at Simon Langton Girls Grammar School. Founder member and trustee of Necessary Furniture & Hersden Neighbourhood Community Centre, Sturry & District Church Council and Diocesan Synod representative. Enjoy giving back to the Community my commitment, time and support and also hold a number of trusteeships.

1.  It is important to use my experience and skills from previously being a member to input into the next Local Plan, ensuring it becomes fit for purpose to meet the local community needs.

2. Working with planners to ensure CCC provides the best facilities on any sites and that they allow our local young people to be able to purchase properties and the local community benefits.

3. Work with my communitylems, address traffic problems, seek speed restrictions and traffic calming where ever possible, safety for the residents of prime importance.  

4. An experienced voice is important, I want to use my skills and make Canterbury City Council meeting all the communities needs – I firmly believe I can do this.

Louise Harvey-Quirke, Conservative Party Candidate

Louise Harvey-Quirke, Conservative Party Candidate

Hello, my name is Louise Harvey-Quirke, and I am one of your Conservative candidates, seeking re-election in Sturry.

Originally from Deal, I spent much of my early life moving due to my father’s position in the Royal Marines Band Service. We settled in Sturry in 1993, and Bournes Close became our home.

Following completion of GCSEs at Frank Montgomery, I was diagnosed with epilepsy, which cut-short career plans. I retrained, and through adversity and working tirelessly, reached where I am today, working with the Assistant Director of Estates and Facilities at Canterbury Christ Church University.

Our beloved council flat in Park View was where I raised my daughters as a single parent, meeting my husband in 2007. He has supported me in reaching my goals, whether that be professional, as a councillor, or as Consort when I was elected as Sheriff of Canterbury last year, which has been an incredible honour.

In 2012, I joined Sturry Parish Council, becoming chair shortly after. Through this role, residents expressed that their needs were overlooked, and views not heard. I’m a firm believer that to effect change, one must be involved and raise their head above the parapet. Therefore, I stood for election in 2019 and vowed to address those issues.

I have been a member of the local community for 30 years and, one way or another, have met many of you in that time.

As your ward councillor, I have aimed to reduce both engine idling and speeding, while repairing the road and pavement network by working with the county council on a new 20mph zone, reporting potholes, and installing signage. I carry out regular litter picks and ensure that residents receive a better waste service by holding Canenco to account.

In four years, I have built relationships with local schools, youth groups, and residents’ groups, while delivering monthly reports at local town and parish councils.

As an individual, I remain true to myself. From raising my daughters, I know first-hand the importance of community facilities, such as play parks. I also understand the importance of having a representative who is familiar, reliable and personable.

Over the next four years, I will work with the same level of commitment and determination as the last.

–           I will work to reduce the impact from development and get as many benefits as possible for existing residents

–           I will continue to work with Kent Police and the council’s enforcement team to ensure that staff clamp down on antisocial behaviour

–           I will work on the Local Plan 2045 to ensure that local needs are met – I do not support the proposed zoning of the city centre

–           I will continue to promote safer, cleaner streets by working with county and city council officers

–           I will keep residents well informed

Being your ward councillor has been both rewarding and humbling. It has been an honour to represent the people of Sturry and would be my privilege to continue doing so.

Harry McKenzie, Labour Party candidate

Harry McKenzie, Labour Party Candidate

Harry McKenzie is a University of Kent graduate who came to Canterbury for university and has decided to make it his home. Harry is passionate about learning and activism because he wants to have a positive impact on the community. Harry is a keen supporter of environmental initiatives and youth empowerment because he believes these are tools to create a better future for everyone. Harry would support Labour’s plan to create a new district youth council and oppose the closure of children’s centres in our district.

Harry loves nature and often goes walking and reading in many of our local parks, woodlands, and countryside; he knows green spaces are precious and need protecting. Sturry has less open space than six other wards deemed to have deficient open space; this is unacceptable! Harry is committed to protecting open green space in Sturry by supporting Labour plans to double playpark spending, scrap the eastern bypass, and create green belts and green corridors between built up areas to prevent urban sprawl. 

Harry is aware of concerns about overdevelopment in Sturry; residents are rightly calling for the council to do developments with them, not at them. Harry understands this and will work to ensure all developments in Sturry are done in cooperation with residents, not against them. He will support scrapping the bypass and oppose unnecessary developments, and instead advocate Labour’s plan to re-open Sturry Park and Ride and make those services free for local residents. Harry will also be active in forcing developers to operate sustainably and will work to ensure proper infrastructure (e.g. adequate sewage systems) are in place before developments are approved. 

Many Sturry residents have concerns over air pollution from congestion and water and soil pollution from spillages by developers. Harry is listening and will support Labour’s plan to initiate citizen science projects to monitor local air and water quality and hold water companies and developers to account over their practices. By reducing congestion with improved park and ride services, Harry is committed to seeing air quality improved in Sturry too. Furthermore, Labour will launch on-street recycling to reduce litter in Sturry.

Harry has been shocked to hear many local residents telling him about their experiences with crime and anti-social behaviour. Harry has experience in this area as he helped with a campaign called Reclaim These Streets to pressure Kent Police and the council to take action to improve safety after dark. Harry would strive for better street lighting and work with Kent Police and community engagement groups in attempt to reduce instances of crime and anti-social behaviour in Sturry ward. Harry would work to bring more recreational facilities to Sturry ward, such as youth clubs, so young people have stuff to do to prevent them falling into anti-social behaviour.

A vote for Harry McKenzie is a vote for somebody who is listening, who cares, who has ideas, and who is truly passionate about bringing the changes Sturry ward and the Canterbury district needs. 

Heather Taylor, Independent Candidate

Heather Taylor, Independent Candidate

Hello, my name is Heather Taylor, and I am seeking your vote to speak for you, the residents, as an independent candidate.

I have lived in Sturry all my life, still living in the same house where I was brought home after my birth.

My grandparents moved to Sturry many decades ago, opening a tearoom with a bakery in the village. I attended Sturry Primary, junior, and Montgomery Secondary schools. As a family we were involved in many local community groups and events, which included the local Majorettes, youth club and firework event.

Over the years I have been passionate about where I live, striving to keep the community feeling. I have been a Parish Councillor for the Parish of Sturry for over 30 years, with a break when I was the Lord Mayor of Canterbury. Previously I have been Chairman of the Parish Council, as well as Chair of the planning committee. The things I have been instrumental in the parish have been working with the youth, which included starting a youth club where I and other residents completed the youth workers course through Kent County Council, organising the first Christmas lights event, Father Christmas Street visits, the Easter Egg hunt, over 50’s group, the parish minibus, and improvements to the park to name but a few.

When the much-loved City Councillor Marion Attwood sadly left this world, I was elected as Councillor to the City Council in 2006, becoming the Sheriff in 2012 and the Lord Mayor in 2013.

Whilst a City Councillor I co-Chaired the licencing committee ensuring conditions were being followed by licence holders, Chaired the rural members committee and was also a member of the planning committee, where I was not afraid to speak out on any developments that affected Sturry Ward. Living in the village of Sturry I frequently have residents approach me with problems and issues they are experiencing or even ideas for improvements to the area, I point them to various places where help can be sought as not being an elected member, I am unable to provide much else.

This is why I am seeking residents support in voting for me so that I can provide the extra help, support, and advice. We need to work together to make sure Sturry Ward is not forgotten about. That residents and businesses benefit from improvements with better infrastructure, more facilities, and improvements in the Parish. We need to keep the Ward rural, keep our villages and not grow so that we become part of Canterbury town.

By voting for me, an Independent candidate, who lives in the Ward, I will be speaking and voting on residents’ behalf on important issues that affect our villages. These I’m sure will include our roads, the environment, planning developments, loss of facilities e.g., Post office, NHS dentist.

I’m not going to make promises on specific issues that I may not be able to deliver, but I do make the promise that I will try my hardest to achieve the best for our villages.

Ken Dekker, Independent Candidate

I am Ken Dekker and I am your INDEPENDENT candidate for the upcoming Canterbury City Council Elections on 4th May.

I moved to Sturry eight years ago and in that time my wife became a Councillor on Sturry Parish Council and this introduced me to local issues. I was elected to the new Hersden Parish Council in 2019 and last year I was asked to become a Councillor on Westbere Parish Council to help rebuild the Council.

I graduated from Manchester University and then went on to further study Advanced Engineering within the Oil & Gas Industry at Liverpool University.

I spent most of my career in various Middle Eastern countries from Saudi Arabia to the U.A.E. from Kuwait to Oman. I also worked in South America and the Far East, in Africa and above the Arctic Circle.

I have held leading roles, for international companies, on all 5 major continents on varying large scale projects including oil distribution in Nigeria, supply of water from the Sahara to Libya and the rebuilding of the oil fields in Kuwait after the Gulf wars.

My training and expertise lead me to investigate, organise, arrange, plan and oversee many aspects of major developments and construction all of which will enable me to scrutinise, debate and decision make on issues affecting facets of your everyday life like Planning, Local Plan projections, proposed housing developments and environmental matters

When elected, I will bring a wealth of experience and knowledge which I will readily apply to the needs and the wants of the people in this community.

For the last 4 years I have regularly attended meetings of Canterbury City Council and have made myself aware of the problems facing this Ward both now and possibly in the future.

I also fully understand the need for commitment to the role of Councillor both in action and energy and I am willing to devote as much time as necessary to any given issue relating to the needs of the residents.

As Consort to the Sheriff of Canterbury and, for this last year, Consort to the Lord Mayor I have a very good insight into the workings of the City Council and am at ease with the everyday processes and procedures needed to progress issues.

Many of you will know me as “the Tesco Man” who delivers your groceries at the weekend and talks with you about the weather and everyday events.

During these short chats, many issues crop up and I am only too happy to listen and contribute.

When elected, I can not only listen but can and will act on behalf of the residents so that their opinions and needs can be addressed and resolved.


I will always be an active Councillor and will listen to your views and opinions in order to come to a balanced judgement

I will always be unafraid to use my voice as your voice.

I will always speak the truth and I will never make promises I cannot keep.

I am not a magician but I can tell you that the Ward will be safe in my hands and I will be supportive of decisions being made, across political parties, if those decisions are advantageous to you.


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