Upcoming meetings
Previous minutes
Sturry and Broad Oak Residents’ Association
Committee Meeting, Tuesday 14th January 2025
Minutes to be uploaded soon
Sturry and Broad Oak Residents’ Association
Committee Meeting, Tuesday 19th November 2024
Minutes to be uploaded soon
Sturry and Broad Oak Residents’ Association
Annual General Meeting, Tuesday 8th October 2024
Present: Committee Members Peta Boucher, Roshna Ahmad, Kathleen Warner, Peter Reynolds, Peter Campbell, David Wadmore, Heather Stennet, Siobhan Maroney, Trevor Pilbeam and about 50 members
Apologies: Sir Roger Gale, Alan Marsh, Keji Moses and Harry McKenzie, Fred and Freda Tassell (committee members), Maurice Kinkead
Opening Remarks: The Chair, Peta Boucher, thanked the committee for their work over the last eighteen months. Sabora is working hard to bring people together for the benefit of the wider community. Peta thanked the audience for attending.
Minutes of the last AGM were read and agreed.
Chair’s Report
It has been a busy eighteen months. Peta highlighted the community events organised by Sabora. We hosted an event on the Local Plan where committee member and Parish Councillor Ann Davies gave an excellent presentation. Also at the meeting was City Council chairman Alan Baldock who answered many questions from the audience. It was noted that the timing of the launch of the next Local Plan has been delayed following a change of government.
Sabora held a hustings meeting before the general election. Over one hundred people came and all candidates (except the Reform Party) were able to explain their policies.
The committee invited Network Rail to a joint meeting with both Sturry and Fordwich council representatives and our city councillors. There was support for a proposed lengthening of both platforms in Sturry, but NR feared it would not be able to be budgeted before 2027-2028.
Sabora tried to find support for SPC’s Speedwatch initiative. We opposed the Post Office closure and actively tried to find a central alternative location. Sabora initiated a safe crossings campaign that received local media coverage.
Sabora has joined ACRA and the CPRE (now known as the Countryside Charity) and is also in the Friends of Old Park and Chequers Wood organisation. That area is now under threat as the MoD, who own the land, wish to sell it. We will join in the campaign for CCC to acquire it and preserve its SSI status.
Sabora is represented on the Shelford Landfill Site Community group, which has had one meeting so far.
Since the last AGM, Sabora has carried out two large leaflet drops, a total of over 4,000 leaflets.
Sabora had stalls at both the SPC Coronation and Christmas Events. In the summer, we held our own Picnic Event in conjunction with Sturry Parish Church and the Fordwich and Sturry Twinning Association. All events were well attended and we raised more funds.
Sturry Walks started and there have been several local walks, all well attended. We are surrounded by beautiful countryside and these walks help residents realise the beauty that is on our doorstep, and how we should make every effort to preserve it.
Sabora is actively exploring the possibility of developing a community garden plot just off Sturry High Street. There will be a clean-up campaign starting to make our area a better place in which to live.
Peta commented that our villages are changing, and we will engage with the new residents to help bring our community together. Although we have over 2000 members on our Facebook group, there are fewer paid-up members. We will be actively encouraging people to register and pay the membership fee. This will help pay for more information leaflets and to provide seed funding for community projects. Heather Stennet reminded us that she is now on the BDW Homes liaison group, which is helping highlight and resolve issues that the new builds on the edge of the village bring.
Treasurer’s Report
Sabora now has an account with Metro Bank. We need to define the accounting year to coincide with AGM. Overall Sabora is financially solvent, having raised all its own funds.
The financial statement will appear on the website as a separate document.
There was some debate around raising the annual membership fee above its existing £5 per household. Although we need more money to undertake more projects it was concluded that it would be better raising membership numbers. The meeting was urged to speak to their friends and neighbours!
Election of officers
Anne Davies stepped down from the role of Treasurer, and Peter Campbell was nominated to the position by Peta Boucher, and seconded by Heather Stennett. There being no other nominations, Peter Campbell was elected as Treasurer.
Peta Boucher and David Wadmore confirmed they were content to continue as Chair and Secretary respectively and were nominated by Peter Campbell and seconded by Roshna Ahmad. There being no other nominations, Peta Boucher and David Wadmore were elected as Chair and Secretary respectively.
The rest of the committee then introduced themselves to the meeting.
Next AGM: It was decided that the 2025 AGM should be held on Tuesday 25th October. There being no other business, the meeting ended at 19.23pm
Peta Boucher introduced guest speaker Laura Asfour of Chapters Coffee and Books
Sturry and Broad Oak Residents’ Association
Committee Meeting, Monday 11th March 2024
Sturry and Broad Oak Residents’ Association
Committee Meeting, Monday 2nd April 2024
Sturry and Broad Oak Residents’ Association
Committee Meeting, Tuesday 5th September 2023
Meeting was held at The Golden Lion, and commenced at 18.30
Those attending: Peta Boucher (Chair), Roshna Ahmad, Paula Pearce, Heather Stennett, Ann Davies, Freda Tassell, Fred Tassell, David Wadmore.
Apologies for absence: Lynn Burnett
Minutes of the previous meeting; Matters Arising
Popes Lane development. Meeting unanimously in opposition to this proposal, and noted that the land was not yet included in Local Plan (due to be published in December).
Section 106 money for outside sport at Broad Oak discussed. It was thought that the land adjoining Broad Oak Village Hall would cost £300,000. Funding timetable not yet revealed.
Meeting expressed desire that the hall be expanded to make it a much more flexible venue for all events, including sports.
The Bat and Trap event was cancelled, although the tournament was able to go ahead.
Minutes of previous meeting agreed.
Bank Account still being planned and it was agreed there should be two signatures at least. Choice of bank to be decided, with Lloyds and Metro bank being front runners. Chair and Treasurer to progress this asap.
PC Report
Ann mentioned that the current clerk had resigned and there would be a temporary replacement. The Woodland Hole, a SSI by the old quarry had been stabilised, and the local Archaelogical society was keeping a watching brief. It was hoped that the woodland would be open soon.
Peter Campbell had been appointed Vice-chair of the PC.
Peta had photographed the poor state of the Herne Bay Road. Councillor Neil Baker had responded and will look at the development and assess the impact. We should demand formal enforcement of the developers’ responsibilities. There are 30 houses occupied so far and there was concern that there were no play facilities available.
It was suggested that the PC put a welcome leaflet through doors to also include a questionnaire. David offered to do the design.
David to launch a campaign/petition to expand the platforms at Sturry.
Peta due to speak to local Labour group re the government wishing to apply immediate loosening of current law relating to effects of development on local waterways and wildlife.
Currently we follow EU regulations and the guidelines of RAMSAR.
We will keep a watching brief on road islands to provide refuges for pedestrians.
We will write to KCC requesting a 30mph limit for Sweechgate. We also need to establish the final bus stop positions.
Roshna to circulate minutes re the Post Office meeting held at JKS
Any Other Business
Motorbike Nuisance:
There have been many instances of delivery bikes (and others) using footpaths and endangering pedestrians. More signs requested and the installation of ‘baffles’ at appropriate not spots.
Post Office: We need to find a mentor, and appeal to local people with appropriate business skills set. We should investigate funding methods.
Buses along Broad Oak. Approach Stagecoach re possibility of at least one bus an hour, or a small ‘Hopper’ bus. It was notes that raided kerbs are already in existence for bus stops.
Community Events
Peta is organising a Barn Dance at Sturry Social Centre for Saturday November 11th. It will be a bring your own alcohol event and the meeting discussed the idea of providing soft drinks and snacks. To be decided. It was noted that the cost of the hall is £18 per hour.
Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 3rd October. Golden Lion 6.30pm
Sturry and Broad Oak Residents’ Association
Committee Meeting, Tuesday 18th July 2023
Meeting was held at The Golden Lion, and commenced at 18.30
Those attending: Peta Boucher (Chair), Roshna Ahmad, Lynn Burnett, Paula Pearce, Freda Tassell, Fred Tassell, Carol Wanstall, David Wadmore.
Apologies for absence: Heather Stennett, Ann Davies. Councillor Harry McKenzie had hope to attend, but was unable to, due to a family matter.
Minutes of the previous meeting; Matters Arising
David to write to our MP regarding noise abatement issues with reversing alarms, as these need to be looked at on a national level.
We will create a page on the website for recording complaints regarding construction nuisance.
Peta to contact Ann regarding progress on establishing a bank account
Post Office campaign. David to contact JKS.
We still need to co-opt some committee members/area reps. Carol Wanstall was welcomed to the committee.
Minutes of previous meeting agreed.
PC and City Council Report
Section 106 funding may be likely for funding sports facilities in Sturry/Broad Oak. Conversation around the incorporation of the scouts and guides facilities. An informal approach was mooted.
Land adjacent to Broad Oak Village Hall. Peta and Roshna to consult contacts.
Councillors’ surgeries. These were welcomed, and although at first have been more general in approach, it is expected they will become more specific in time. Sabora to help publicise them.
It was suggested that Peter Campbell be approached to be the link between the PC and Sabora.
Old allotments off Sturry High Street. The meeting enthusiastically approved the decision to support the possibility of turning these into a wildlife area. David to formally approach PC, Peta to contact Kent Wildlife for expert advice.
A crossing/refuge for Popes Lane, and lowering of speed limit. David and Peta to carry forward.
Gladman consultation and sham ‘surveys’. Sabora to keep watchful eye on planning applications.
Platform extensions at Sturry station. In light of successful bio-diversity petition to CCC it was proposed a similar one be started to extend the platforms. David to look into it.
New gate North of Sweech farm. Fred and Freda to make enquiries with planning/highways departments.
Community Events
Peta is keen to have a street party/gathering while the road is closed. The RA cannot provide insurance cover, so it will be an Ad Hoc impromptu event. Peta to provide details.
Table at Golden Lion Bat and Trap Day, August 5th. Lynn hopes to be able to attend and collect membership info/emails.
Table top sale/barn dance at Community centre.
Peta will look into availability of venue and musicians.
Community Art Exhibition.
Art in lockdown theme. Ian and David to take this forward re venues and calls for entries.
Any Other Business
Peta mentioned the use of catapults and ball bearings to kill rabbits by the railway line. This is a 999 issue.
Dog fouling improved in Popes Lane area, but more signs (and waste bins) needed.
A 20mph speed limit for Heath Close?
Invite Community Police officer to our next meeting.
Would JKS like to be represented at our meetings . David to ask.
Creation of a Garden Interest Group. We will advertise this on FaceBook to see if there is anyone who would like to take on the organisation of this.
Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 5th September. Golden Lion 6.30pm
Sturry and Broad Oak Residents’ Association
Committee Meeting, Wednesday 24th April 2023
Meeting was held at The Golden Lion, and commenced at 18.30
Those attending: Peta Boucher (Chair), Roshna Ahmad, Lynn Burnett, Paula Pearce, Heather Stennett, Freda Tassell, Fred Tassell, David Wadmore.
There were no apologies for absence.
Peta started the meeting by introducing all the committee to one another, followed by a brief statement that the object of the Residents’ Association (RA) was to bring the community of the two villages together.
Treasurer: It was agreed that the committee would ask Ann Davies if she was still in a position to take on this rôle, and if unable, Roshna would take on the duties.
Co-opting committee members: The meeting felt it would be a good idea to ensure that some parts of the area neede dbetter representing, especially Sturry Court Mews, Pafford Court, and the sites at Bluebell Wood and Dengrove Park. The committee would make enquiries through their contacts and report back at the next meeting. Heather offered to contact the over 50s club and Peta the residents of Orchard view. Heather also mentioned that there was the Bell Grove Residents organisation, with whom we should make contact.
The meeting would ask Ann Davies if she knew of a suitable contact person for Fairview Gardens.
Events: The table for the RA at the Coronation Celebrations was confirmed and it was agreed to hold a Tombola. Paula brought a large bag of gifts and it was agreed to send out an email to all members asking for donations. David will supply a gazebo and table, and there will be a short rota of committee members who are able to assist on the day.
Freda agreed to contact the farm shop regarding the possible donation of a hamper, perhaps as a separate raffle item.
It was decided that there should be a membership leaflet/application form available at the event, and it was suggested that we explore the use of QR codes. Posters for the event, and to encourage people to join the RA were also mooted. If possible, posters to be produced in time for local elections and placed outside polling stations and other village locations.
David will source decorations for the gazebo. Heather will bring some of her books about the area to sell alongside the Tombola.
Funding: Once the results of the council elections are known, it was agreed to contact the successful candidate re grants and funding possibilities.
Groups: The meeting then talked about what special interest groups could be successfully run under the umbrella of the RA. It was noted that we need to liaise with the Over 50s and Bowling Club to avoid any conflict of interest. We would also seek to contact the Scouts and Guides and the Church.
There was consensus that a Walking Group would be a good idea, and Peta agreed to consider organising it, but raised the question of insurance. David will look into it.
Heather suggested that while the committee is in its early stages, more frequent meetings would be desirable.
AOB: There was a general discussion that there needs to be a campaign for more ‘Neighbourly Awareness” and that part of the campaigning by the RA would be for a more tidy, welcoming local environment, that would restore some pride in our area. Items such a pavement parking, bins on streets, speeding vehicles and the inevitable dog mess were highlighted. It was agreed that we would campaign on these issues and hope that as our membership increases, so will the awareness of these problems.
Heather mentioned the huge nuisance caused to residents by the beeping of reversing warning on contractors’ vehicles on the Barretts site. It was agreed that we would campaign for the developers to introduce ‘broad band’ directional alarms that reduce the spread of noise. We would try to find a contact email for the site manager.
Discussion was held over the frequent re-positioning of bus stops and the general confusion caused by KCC’s lack of consultation on the new road layouts.
As part of our campaigning it was agreed that a Twitter account may be very useful. Lynn agreed to manage this.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 6th June, 6.30pm at the Golden Lion.