Sturry And Broad Oak Residents Association (SABORA)

The Sturry and Broad Oak Residents Association is a formal association of like-minded residents whose aims are to safeguard and promote the future well-being of residents, our local village character and its environment.

Formed in 2022, it is open to all residents of the Sturry and Broad Oak parishes. Please register your interest on the contact page, or on the form below.

We will endeavour to research significant issues and developments, collate opinions and comments, and  communicate these to local residents and organisations. As an association we will make our research, actions and recommendations available to all interested parties.

We will work with the community to promote better facilities for all residents, including social and cultural initiatives, and to encourage a long-term view of local needs.

We will endeavour to promote special interest groups, such as gardening, walking, talks etcetera.

To achieve our aim we will engage with relevant government bodies and other organisations, to improve the qualities and facilities of the local area, retaining its local character, and ensure that these are preserved for future generations. 

The association will seek to be represented on any appropriate body, where necessary, in order to further these aims. It is not the intention of the group to replace or be a substitute for any existing organisation.

We welcome positive participation from local residents, and actively encourage comments and ideas that will improve the quality of life for residents of the Sturry and Broad Oak area.

Annual membership costs just £5 per household. You will receive regular newsletters and advance notice of events we are holding in the area.

You can pay the membership subscription by bank transfer:

Our account is


Metro Bank



Please contact us via the the form below and we will be in touch.


The latest posts can be found in the column on the right.

This site has been put together by local residents for the Sturry and Broad Oak Residents’ Assoiation. It does not represent the views of the local councils or similar organisations, but seeks to provide a platform for all those with something to say about the development of our community. We welcome intelligent comment and opinion, but reserve the right to edit copy submitted for length or accuracy.

Keep up to date by joining us on Facebook, SABORA
