Here is the planning application number. You have until July 16th to send in comments to them

(That was last year. Commenting on the council website is closed. But you can let us know here.)

The Link Road KCC/CA/0091/2019 
Click on the hyperlink below to see all the documents

This misleading illustration of the proposed flyover was provided by Kent Highways.We assume it is looking north, so where the woods are will be housing. Pedestrians are forced to one side only, and there are no barriers to help reduce the sound travelling over the surrounding area. There are also no lights shown in this visual.

The old proposal documents are here:-

A recent comment from Luke Towner:

I live along Sturry Road and welcome a new road taking traffic out of Sturry. I do not however, welcome the lovely views from my garden and windows (the reason we bought the house) to be ruined by the sight hundreds of houses. Especially since Canterbury Council have announced a state of pollution emergency. 

Furthermore, it does not make any sense to divert traffic away from a residential area just to then build another residential area around it! It seems their aim is to in fact increase the amount of pollution whilst simultaneously taking away a large green space. If the new road were to be built, I would suggest planting more trees for two reasons. 1. To keep the aesthetic appearance. 2. To reduce pollution.

Canterbury comes to a complete standstill as soon as anything happens on its main roads. Adding 800 more houses means a potential 1600 vehicles to that area alone since the average household now has two cars.

Adding houses and cars is NOT the solution to less traffic and pollution.

Do you have a comment to add? Use the contact form or email
